Information about the project

Welcome to my PokemonGo Live Raid display!
Most of it's functionality is self-explanatory, but here are some key points which may not be clear at first.

Possible questions

Q. Is this an automated tracker? A. No, this map is purely generated from user input in the Saskatoon PokemonGo Discord Server.
Q. I see a raid on my phone that isn't on the map. A. As previously stated, this map operates on user input from the Discord server. Go report the raid in the server.
Q. Where does the art come from? A. The sugimoto pokemon icons are copyrighted and possibly a registered trademark as well. It was taken from the Pokédex. This usage is assumed to be fair use.
The egg icons are a comission I requested from @Lewdicario
Q. What about money? A. I host this on my own server, and I do not wish for donations or income of any sort for this project. If you really want to donate money, find a charity and donate the money there, then tell me about it; I would be glad to hear about it.
Q. I have some other problem. A. Join the Discord server and ping Daroem about it.